Cast saw injuries

Having a broken bone is something difficult to deal with. Being on both sides, from having to wear a cast and being the person applying/removing the cast, can be nerve-racking. It is hard to have that cast placed on and taken off, hoping the person applying and removing it, knows what they are doing. Casts must be cut off for exams, sometimes multiple times through the healing process. You really need to have to have faith in the person that is removing your cast. Do they have the experience needed in removing casts? How many casts have they removed before? Those are good questions to have. Studies have shown that resident physicians have less than 1 hour of training when it comes to cast application and removal. Improper cast removal techniques can cause injuries to the wearer. This all depends on the material that was used when casting, the thickness of the cast, the thickness of the padding underneath and the experience of the person removing the cast. If one of these is not correct, that could lead to the overheating of the saw blade, skin lacerations or improper cutting techniques which can cause the injuries.

Most people don’t realize that when the cast is being removed, the saw blade can reach temperatures of up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and sometimes higher. The thicker the layers of material that are applied makes it more difficult to remove and causes the blade to become incredibly hot. This could lead to 1st, 2nd or even 3rd degree burns on the skin from the blade. This is also determined by the thickness of the cast padding underneath. If they didn’t place the padding thick enough, then the patient will definitely feel the heat and possibly get burned. Not only can the cast saw blade cause thermal burns, they can also cause nicks to the skin or even lacerations. If the person using the cast saw isn’t familiar on the proper techniques and not familiar with their cutting depth, they can cause injuries to the skin. This is especially true with those patients that have thin skin (especially the elderly). Are there techniques to safe cast removal? Definitely. Does everyone know them? Definitely not.

There is one way to get around all of these issues. How, do you ask? It’s simple. Ask your provider for an ActivArmor cast. With ActivArmor, you don’t have to worry about someone having to cut it off. Our devices come in 2 pieces and are placed on by simply placing the 2 pieces together and securing them in place. No cast padding, messy plaster or the rough fiberglass. It is simple to order, scan and apply. It is reusable, reducing waste, and adjustable for changes in swelling. 

If you want some more information on our products, feel free to visit us at and get yours today.


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