How much does ActivArmor Cost?
ActivArmor Costs: Affordable, Insurance-Covered 3D Printed Casts
ActivArmor 3D printed casts provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional casting. Our innovative immobilization devices are covered by most medical insurance plans depending on your specific policy.
Providing an affordable orthopedic solution, ActivArmor delivers cost benefits compared to the average two traditional casts and/or splints it replaces through the healing phases. Patients can visit one of our provider clinics for cash payment or direct insurance billed. Cost factors vary based on state location, insurance rates, Durable Medical Equipment (DME) coverage, as well as individual co-pay or deductible amounts. Any provider can offer an ActivArmor cast to their cash-pay patients, or through one of our partnering DME billers.
For Providers:
ActivArmor devices are often billed using DME L-codes, with great billable margins and little-to-no up-front cost to our partnering providers. ActivArmor products are key to Value-Based Care by eliminating the need for multiple castings or splints through the healing phases.
For Patients:
With ActivArmor, you only pay once because our custom design is adjustable and reusable, and even transforms casts into a removable splint as patients heal. This means no more multiple device costs, castings or intimidating cast saws during exams and X-rays.
“After 9 years in orthopedics practice, I like providing ActivArmor. Because it saves us clinic staff time and improves our patient throughput. Patients’ skin condition is much better while they are healing, we get fewer complaints, replacements and adjustments, and the patient say it is worth every penny.”
Wholesale Rates for Healthcare Providers
For healthcare providers keen on incorporating ActivArmor into their practice, contact us for wholesale rates tailored to your needs. In addition to DME revenues, the integration of ActivArmor will enhance efficiency and patient satisfaction. With our quick scanning process, ActivArmor replaces the labor-intensive process of traditional casting, multiplying your clinic’s billing opportunities per hour. Learn how to use ActivArmor’s iPhone scanning app with our step-by-step guide. Moreover, the incorporation of advanced healing technologies such as bone stimulators can be utilized and billed for without requiring for additional labor or equipment.
“With ActivArmor, there’s no inventory. All we have is this scanning device. We send it off and it comes in a few days. We don’t have all the casting supplies you typically need, so that’s a huge cost saver, and it’s a big cost-saver to patients because they don’t need multiple fiberglass casts or splints, they just need one device and that’s all. ActivArmor has increased patient visits because when a kid is walking around with this cast, everyone sees it and wants to come here to get that same cast – because they see how active they can stay in it. It’s been a real game-changer for our patients and our clinic in general, so I highly recommend it.”
Contact us today to learn more about our 3d printed cast cost, wholesale rates, and insurance coverage.