Some Patients Choosing Surgery over a Cast

Dr. Gregory Montalbano, Orthopedic Surgeon, told us that some patients are opting to have surgery and hardware like plates put in, in order to avoid traditional immobilization methods. He became an ActivArmor™ provider in order to offer his patients a less-invasive way to heal while being able to get back to work and life.


Many patients have jobs that require them to be able to get wet and wash their hands, and an injury or condition requiring immobilization can put them out of work for weeks or even months! Some are athletes stand to lose an entire season when injured, because they can’t sweat/shower/ice-bath/train in a traditional cast. Some are parents who don’t want to deal with the smell, itch, and trying to keep their child’s cast dry in a bag all summer.

The reasons for wanting to avoid traditional immobilization methods are vast. In fact, according to hand surgeon, Dr. Gregory Montalbano, some patients are opting for surgical treatment options to avoid them.

“Some of my patients are opting for surgery with internal hardware, like plates, in order to get back to work more quickly and avoid wearing a cast.”

– Dr. Gregory Montalbano, Orthopedic Surgeon

Surgery is expensive, invasive, and comes with risks associated with it. But when faced with being out of work for weeks or months, some patients are choosing to take the risk.

ActivArmor provides a non-invasive option for patients – allowing them to continue with work or sports, even basic daily tasks like bathing, while being immobilized.


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